October 12, 2015

My Babies

We wanted to get family pictures done this fall in the beautiful Utah mountains (we are so happy to be living back here!) but we decided it would be a lot easier to do that in the spring when Dash was older. In the meantime, however, I really wanted some of Dash at his age now...a little tiny babe. I thought it would be really fun to do a mommy/baby session. I knew the type of photos I wanted, I had the place, the setting, the lighting, and some props...I just needed a photographer! I really want to get more into photography and have already learned a lot so I had a really specific idea of what I wanted. There is this super sweet girl in my ward (with some of the cutest kids ever!!) who does photography and is so good! I talked to her about my ideas and she was right on board! I was so excited. Most the time photographers plan it all- the location, the poses, etc...so I wasn't sure if she would be annoyed with all my ideas and requests but we worked together super well! She even came to my house in advance and helped with me with my outfit (baby weight is a bugger)! Needless to say, she took all my requests/ideas and expanded on them. She added her own touch and it all came together perfectly! Big thank you to her and also to our upstairs neighbors who let us use their beautiful home with incredible natural lighting. Not having to load up the kids to drive somewhere was wonderful and the setting was perfect! These pictures have brought tears to my eyes. I will cherish them forever and ever. I love my babies so so much! They are my whole world! 
Photo Credit: Kiersten Belnap Photography 
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