March 16, 2016

Dollie Update

Oh my sweet, sweet Dollie girl. She has been melting my heart. It's so cliche, but I am truly upset about how quickly she is growing. I am learning to embrace it and we are having so much fun with her; with a side of crazy, hair pulling madness, of course. She will be 3 in just a few months and I just can't stand it! She's suppose to be my baby forever! But wow is she so much fun! 

She still sleeps with us and the truth is that we love snuggling her and she started to sleep well and really doesn't bother us. A couple nights ago I crawled into bed and snuggled her. Surprisingly she woke up and was wide awake for about 10 minutes. We whispered I love you's and gave each other little kisses and then we took turns tickling each other's arms and cheeks. She loves to cuddle and definitely takes after me in the snuggle dept. I love waking up to her each morning. She showers both me and and Dash will hugs, kisses and "good mornings". She always strokes our cheeks if she wakes up before us. 

Loves to go running with Daddy, goes potty all by herself and is big enough that she doesn't need a stool or potty chair on top of the toilet (wipes and washes hands, too!), has an obsession with little toys and figurines, is slowly parting ways more and more with her beloved Rupert bear (and it's breaking my heart), talks so much and has the cutest little voice that I want to bottle up little mermaid style. A couple recent convos: 
•We were watching Curious George...
Me: "Dollie they're playing baseball!" 
Dollie: "How do I get on the team, Mom?"
Me: "When you're older you can, like 4 or 5."
Dollie: "Like older on my birthday?" 
She was in her high chair eating dinner...
Me: "Dollie please don't drop corn on the floor anymore."
Dollie: "Why mom"
Me: "Because it's messy and I have to clean it all up."
Dollie:"Then clean it up mom!"
Me: (looking at Bodie in shock) "No dollie, you are going to clean it up". 
Dollie: "Milo will come eat it" (neighbors dog) She helped me clean it all up. 

Hearing her logic and the way she tries to make sense of things is the cutest. Her latest saying is "You're not ugly, you're cute!" Also, I get about 25 "I lub you Mom", and huge puckered kisses every day, all day. She spoils me. 

Is stubborn and only does counting, colors, and abc's when it's her idea. She is obsessed with gum and cocoa milk (chocolate milk). Oh and peppermint gum, specifically. She always requests it. She loves mints, and our toothpaste, too! 
She has a shoe obsession that her Daddy and Grandma add fuel to and her favorite cartoons are Curious George and Daniel Tiger. She is not a very good -sit down and have a meal- type girl, but she loves oatmeal, fruit, tortillas, meat, yogurt, edamame and bread with just peanut butter. And any and all sugar. She loves wearing my rings and playing in my makeup and she always loses my rings and breaks my makeup. Lipstick is her favorite, and she loves getting her nails painted. She is so helpful to Dash. She always says "I love my baby brother." She gives him lots of kisses and tickles. But she doesn't like to share her toys with him at all. She is great at keeping an eye on him when I need to shower, and she is very mindful of cleaning the floor space of little toys he could choke on. She is great at brushing her teeth and spitting. She's a little show off when it comes to the spitting part. She is so sweet to me and Dash and is very rough and playful with her dad. She has been known to bite and her Dad is in big trouble for teaching her to. She wants to go to ballet and gymnastics and play baseball. She loves to watch the "buckin Bulls" (bull riding) with her Dad on tv, or in real life. She would take baths/showers 3 times a day if we let her and sometimes we do. 
She loves to dance around the house, play puzzles, read books, jump off things, climb on everything, hide our important things (cell phones, my rings) and thinks it's hilarious. She has meltdowns over the silliest things and totally takes after her Dad. Okay, maybe me too. 

Dollie's biggest concern on a daily basis is making sure I'm not mad. Clearly I need to give her a break because I hear, "you mad mom?" Or "don't me mad mom" or "mommy be mad" too often. She is very good at making sure I'm not mad. She hates it. Bodie says she's scared of me, but when we ask her if she wants to be in mommy's club or daddy's club she says mine. Just before naptime is our "us" time. I get Dash to sleep and then ask her if she wants to go snuggle and no matter what she is in the middle of she doesn't hesitate to drop it. We spend time telling silly stories, singing songs, and giggling and then drift off to sleep. It's every day, and it's the best. It's my favorite part of the day. 

We are besties and when I look into her beautiful eyes I see a girl who is full of adventure, who is curious, who is ultra tender hearted, and who loves me and doesn't judge me. She the perfect best friend and she's all mine! 

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