January 25, 2017

Discovering Dinosaurs

We, as in all four of us, have literally been sick every single day this month. Some form of cough, runny nose, etc. But the kids had it the worst. Ear infections, eye infections, and then RSV for the both of them. They both slept with us for a solid week and boy, that was one rough week. They each started to sleep in their owns beds again a couple nights ago and life is getting back to normal. It felt like we hadn't left the house forever, besides 3 trips to the doctors office. We've apparently had more rain here in St. George than normal and the temps have been chilly! 30's-40's. I know, I know...that's nothing compared to other places. But we expected it to be a bit warmer here and it sounds like it normally is. So yesterday we spent some time at the library and today we ventured to the dinosaur discovery place. It was so nice getting out and exploring fun things to do in this new city of ours. Looking very forward to warmer weather, hopefully soon!
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