February 10, 2017


I absolutely love Valentines Day! Every since I was a little girl I have always loved celebrating and sharing all the love that I have for my friends and family. Growing up we lived in a house next to an apartment complex and I remember my mom always being surprised with a knock on the door and flowers and candy on the doorstep. As I got older I caught on and when Valentines day arrived I would watch out our back door about the time my stepdad would be getting off of work and I would see him run across the apartment grass, then hear a knock on our front door, and then I would see him run back across the grass to his truck. It was so fun. We would also get surprise knocks on our door from our grandparents and we would return the surprise at their doorstep, too. I remember decorating my special box for the Valentines party at school and giving/receiving all the little cards and treats. It was always so fun and silly to decide who got what Valentine and which one my crush would get, in particular. Probably my fondest memory was when me and sister Heather would collect all our Valentines cards and carefully cut around the edges of the cartoon characters and then line them up on the shelf of our beds headboard. We would savor our treats and leave those little cut outs sitting there for weeks. 

Since being married I have thoroughly enjoyed surprising Bodie each year. It's funny, too, because he does not like Valentines Day and always complains that it's a made up holiday. So, in other words, it's taken time over the past few years for him to return the favor! One year I snuck to his work and into his truck, which was parked right in front of the door, and climbed inside and plastered his windows with those plastic decals, and a handwritten note. Another year, when we lived in the hotel in San Diego, I found some really clever love jokes and made a bunch of little handwritten cards and tucked them inside very random place I could think of. His wallet, pockets, shoes, truck...and by the end of the day he was like, "Oh my gosh! How many more are there!?" There were soooo many, hahaha. But they were funny and I know they made him smile. Since having kids it's gotten to be even better. Last year I went all out and transformed our living room and kitchen into a Valentines party. Streamers, balloons, table cloths, glitter, rose petals, and a bunch of our favorite foods as well as a giant finger-painted card for Daddy. I realized that I decorate and plan for Valentines Day more than any other holiday, besides Christmas. 

There is just something about a national holiday that is dedicated to LOVE. Love for your significant other, your kids, your parents...whoever! I see nothing wrong with it. It bums me out to hear from people who despise it and have anti-valentines day parties. Like the one at my local library in a few days (insert eye roll). The reds and pinks, the hearts and glitter, and candy and everything. I love it!! So the kids and I had a great time yesterday making an incredible mess, and then sticking the hearts around the entire house, on doors and walls and cupboards and mirrors. It was Dollie's first time using her own pair of mini scissors and she did great! She was so cute with her excitement. Seeing Dash's eyes light up when he saw all the glitter on his hands was priceless. Finally, watching them stick all the hearts in the most random of places was too cute. By Tuesday I'll come up with lots more cute and fun, but simple ways to celebrate my love for my family! Its always random and spontaneous, and never a big expensive and extravagant thing...and its just perfect!

Happy Valentines Day! 

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